VAT exemption

Only for customers with European VAT number: for registration in the Vies list, before making the purchase, you need to register by creating an account and then send the request form.

Contact us

Do you have any question?

Just fill in the form below and we will reply as soon as possible.

Monday Friday
09:00 - 19:00


Via Portugal 11/7 Cap 35127 Padua (Pd) Italy

Visit our showroom:

United States Course 3 Box 68 Cap 35127 Padua (Pd)
Opening time:
Monday - Friday: 9.30 - 19.00
Sunday: 09:30 - 19:00

C.F. and Registration Register of Companies of Padua 0533580287 P.IVA 05335580287, REA PD-460839